Emmanuel Sheppard & Condon (“ESC”) is American Land Title Association (“ALTA”) Best Practices certified by Warren Averett CPAs. In order to aid lenders in evaluating their settlement agents, the ALTA developed a framework of best practices. Settlement agent practices are reviewed in areas of licensing, trust accounting, protection of non-public information, title processes, insurance, and consumer complaints. Emmanuel Sheppard & Condon’s procedures have been reviewed by the regional accounting firm of Warren Averett, CPAs and have been found to comply with the seven pillars of ALTA Best Practices. This certification instills a confidence in all lenders that ESC complies with the highest standards in the industry.ESC is a title agent for Westcor (Compliance with Westcor’s Compliance Audit Program reviewed by McGladrey LLP), Old Republic/The Fund (Authorized Agent), Stewart Title (Stewart Preferred Provider) and Chicago/Fidelity.
Contact Holly Jurnovoy with Emmanuel Sheppard & Condonat hvj@esclaw.com or 850.433.6581 for more information.